Serving Whitebushes including Bushfield Shaw and Spencer Meadows & surrounding areas
Serving Whitebushes including Bushfield Shaw and Spencer Meadows & surrounding areas
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This is an opportunity to improve a lovely but hidden from most community feature.
Let us get together to bring it back to it’s former glory as done with the Kiln Community Garden.
The before works picture.
Written by:
Charlie Griswood, Community Development Officer, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council:
In December 2022 Clir Ruth Ritter and I did a consultation on the pond between Ambleside Close and Bushfield Drive.
Overwhelming, you agreed to keep the pond (and) as a wildlife sanctuary, by tidying up the area and improving the habitat for wildlife.
In 2023 we have fed back what you told us to Southern housing and have been working on partnering with Southern Housing, Reigate Area Conservation Volunteers (RACV) and local Councillors to find a way forward to achieve this. During 2023, Southern Housing have started works, by fixing the fence and pruning back ash trees around the perimeter of the pond and clearing guttering (cleared).
On Saturday 2nd March, 10am to 12pm, we are looking to start wildlife conservation works on the pond and would love for you to join us. If you would like to (join us), please could you send me your contact details so I can pass on further instructions.
This will start by working with RACV to remove younger self-seeded saplings (clearing the area), but we would also like your views on plans to enhance the area for wildlife, such as creating areas for bug hotels hibernacula/loggeries and adding in some bird and/or bat boxes.
In addition to this we would like your thoughts on what you would like to see in the grassland area adjoining the pond, do you want it kept as it is, left (to look) wilder (i.e. Not cut as frequently) sow wildflower seeds, or plant some biodiverse fruit trees.
We hope to consult you on your thoughts soon, to get a plan together on what to do.
If you have any queries or would like to discuss this with me any further, please do call me on 07825 351472 or email on
The pond is located on Ambleside Close.
If you are not familiar with this road, carry on Bushfield Drive towards the community centre end of the road and as you go around the bend onto the final straight (the stretch not served by buses) Ambleside Close is the next left.
Following on from the specialist help we have previously received today (2/3/24) we hosted our first Whitebushes pond community day allowing us to meet more residents interested in improving the estate.
Thank you to all those who turned up to start the work on the Ambleside Close pond. it was a tremendous effort for the first day of this project with a remarkable transformation achieved.
The area has been opened up to raise the visibility of the pond.
The team, with help from Simon Elson of Reigate Area Conservation Volunteers who led the session and Community Development Worker Charlie Griswood who helped us make it happen, managed to remove a remarkable amount of green waste today
They also managed to do some litter picking from the pond.
We still have plenty more work to do so please take time to consider joining in with us on our future events.
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